The Brookline Center

Lifting an important cause above the fray

Nonprofit donors need to see to believe. The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health does truly transformative work for individuals and families with mental health challenges. In theory, their case is easy to make. But donors receive tons of requests for support every year; even a great cause can get lost in the fray. Our challenge has been to help the Brookline Center stand out among competing causes.

We’ve teamed up with stellar writers and photographers to produce an array of print and online materials that elevate the Brookline Center’s important mission and keep donors hooked. The annual reports and galas are our favorite collaboration—that’s where we really get to flex our artistic muscles. Each year, our goal is to design something fresh and surprising that will leave an emotional impact. Just look at the results!


Brand Identity
Logo Design
Business Cards and Stationery
Website Design
Annual Reports
Fundraising Materials
Branded Events

Great design elevates your mission.

“Working with J Sherman Studio has allowed us to communicate who we are in more dynamic way. The materials we’ve created allow us to stand out from the crowd and compete at a level than we’d never be able to do otherwise.”
Nancy V., The Brookline Center
“J Sherman Studio has become our go-to designer. That’s because of the beautiful design they do. They’re super creative and talented, and they ask great questions to really get at the heart of what we’re envisioning.”
Nancy V., The Brookline Center


The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health provides mental health care and community-based social services that help individuals and families lead healthier, safer, and fuller lives while building a stronger, healthier community.

Choose common sense over Comic Sans.

Great design makes a difference. Let us show you how.